About Us
Keeping It Real
Go On Make Me designs and sources sustainable new innovative dexterity toys and gifts
To get more details and prices for any of our products please contact us using our secure email form.
We’ve created a range of products that are attractive and compelling to children and adults alike, providing a much needed diversion from phone and computer screens.
We wanted products that encouraged creativity with a modest challenge and the need to focus on physical interaction. In fact, creativity, satisfaction and fun are at the very heart of what we do.
We pride ourselves on great customer service and always responding promptly to existing clients and prospective new customers.

Oliver Comberti
A Company Director with over 40 years sales experience running teams and companies in the physical entertainment distribution business. Oliver has worked as a Director at Virgin owned companies and sold 3 businesses supplying music and film worldwide.
Born in London, he refers himself as European.
A father of 4, his greatest pleasures are walking the dog, sales, music, film, reading, football, origami – and playing the piano when no one is listening!
He hates Marmite.

Peter Collins
Sales Director
He has previously worked in senior management roles with Apple, Europcar and Unysis, as well as founding and selling two SME businesses. His earlier career in sales management later led him into operational management, and more recently as a freelance business consultant.
He was awarded European Sales Manager of the Year with Apple UK where he achieved healthy sales growth through troubled times for Apple in the 1990’s. His strong leadership and team management track record has been a feature throughout his career.
Peter is father of two children and three young grandchildren who bring him great pleasure and of whom he is very proud. Born and bred in London he loves everything about being a Londoner and enjoying the diverse and rich culture the city offers.